If you ever need to remove the Tabs from Woocommerce then you can try the following code. add_filter( ‘woocommerce_product_data_tabs’, ‘custom_product_data_tabs’ ); function custom_product_data_tabs( $tabs ) { //unset( $tabs[‘general’] ); //unset( $tabs[‘inventory’] ); unset( $tabs[‘shipping’] ); unset( $tabs[‘linked_product’] ); unset( $tabs[‘attribute’] ); unset(
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In this blog, I will describe Laravel CRUD operation. I have used Laravel 10 version. You have to install Laravel and Composer first. Step – 1: Create a database and change the database name in .env file Step-2: Type in command:
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Installing Laravel Install composer Type in cmd ” composer create-project laravel/laravel app_name “ Go to app_name folder and type ” php artisan serve “ Change DB name in .env file Open cmd and type the following commands Laravel Admin and User Login
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This Codes will create a form for the front-end users to collect data and store the data into a custom post. Shortcode is also made to use the form anywhere. 1. Create a custom post type: You can create a custom
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Step-1: Create some screen.js and import it into app.js In this file I have created, three screens.js, HomeScreen, ProfileScreen and MessageScreen. Then copy paste the below full code in app.js import ‘react-native-gesture-handler’; import Animated, { useSharedValue, withTiming, useAnimatedStyle, Easing,} from ‘react-native-reanimated’;
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Some Important CentOS Commands ### Check Selinux, Selinux is a firewall -> getenforce ### Disable Selinux -> vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux ### Change IP -> nmtui ###check hidden file ->ls -ls ### read any file -> cat filename #Search file or folder -> find
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I have tried this in Cent OS and worked fine. # Login to another computer -> ssh root@ipaddress [ example: ssh root@ ] # Login to another computer without password # Step One: -> ssh-keygen #Step Two: -> Press Enter few times.
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